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Ebook: May You Be Blessed

Irish Blessings are more than just words spoken for good luck or good fortune. They are a part of everyday life. The culture behind is deeply rooted in the traditions and beliefs of its people. One of the most significant aspects of this heritage is the use of blessings, which are a reflection of the country’s rich history and its people’s faith, that continues to inspire and comfort people across the world.

„May You Be Blessed“, the Sage Gnomes‘ collection of Irish Blessings brings together a diverse range of sayings, each imbued with a unique perspective and voice. Some of the blessings reflect the deep spiritual faith of the Irish, while others are more lighthearted and humorous. But all of them offer a glimpse into the warmth, generosity, and resilience that are hallmarks of the Irish people.

The collection in this uniquely illustrated Ebook is a testament to the country’s remarkable traditions and values. The blessings presented come from a time when life was simple, and people relied on each other for support and guidance. They are a reminder of the beauty and importance of community, and the strength of the human spirit.


Irish Blessings: Happiness being a dessertBettina Kienitz
Happiness being a dessert
Irish Blessing: May your thoughts be as gladBettina Kienitz
May your thoughts be as glad
Irish Blessing: May your troubles be as fewBettina Kienitz
May your troubles be as few
Irish Blessing: These things I warmly wish for youBettina Kienitz
These things I warmly wish for you
Irish Blessing: May you have love that never endsBettina Kienitz
May you have love
Irish Blessing: May you live a long lifeBettina Kienitz
May you live a long life
Irish Blessing: May you live longBettina Kienitz
May you live long
Sage Gnomes: Here's to a long lifeBettina Kienitz
Here's to a long life
Sage Gnomes: It’s easy to halve the potatoBettina Kienitz
It's easy to halve the potato
Sage Gnomes: May those you loveBettina Kienitz
May those you love
Sage Gnomes: May you live to comb the hair of your children's children.Bettina Kienitz
May you live to comb
Irish Blessings: If I had a flower for every time I thought of you,Bettina Kienitz
If I had a flower
Irish Blessing: May you live as long as you wantBettina Kienitz
May you live as long

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