International Book Giving Day

In 2012, the International Book-Giving Day was established, which takes place annually on February 14th. Because we think this is a fantastic idea, we participate and give away the E-Book Sage Gnomes – Select Thoughts for a Happy Life today, which is available for free download all day long on Amazon. If you don’t have a Kindle device, simply download the free app for your device (PC, smartphone, tablet) instead. Enjoy and be happy!

Background informations

The International Book-Giving Day

is a celebration of the joy of reading and the power of books. Observed annually on February 14th, this day is dedicated to encouraging people to share their love of books by giving books to children, friends, family, or even strangers.

Books have the power to inspire, educate, and entertain, and it is a simple act of kindness to share this gift with others. The International Book-Giving Day was created in 2012. The goal of this day is to promote literacy, create a love for books, and help spread the joy of reading around the world.

There are many ways to participate in the International Book-Giving Day. The most common one is to simply give a book to someone. Many people choose to donate books to their local libraries, schools, or community centers, which can be a great way to help spread the love of reading in your community.

Another way to partake in the event is to organize a book drive. This is a great opportunity to bring together friends, family, and co-workers to collect books and donate them to a local organization. This can be a fun and meaningful way to give back and make a difference in your community.

In addition to giving books, there are some other ways to participate in The International Book-Giving Day. For example, you can organize a book swap with friends, read a book to a child, or even start a book club. There are countless ways to get involved and spread the joy of reading on this special day.

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